Why Doesn’t Pineapple Have A Call Centre Number

Table of Content

1. Who the Heck Is Pineapple?!2. The Pineapple-fresh approach to insurance3. Avoiding the Call Centre Chaos4. If you’re APP-y and you know it, clap your hands!5. The conclusion to end all conclusions


September 12, 2024
Team Pineapple

TL;DR - Our version of "I'm not reading all that, *SparkNotes pls."

  • Digital First: Pineapple is all about a seamless, app-based experience—no need to wait on hold; everything you need is at your fingertips.
  • Quick Responses: With in-app chat and email support, you get fast, efficient help without the hassle of a call center. It's like texting a friend for advice!
  • Empowering You: Manage your insurance independently with the app's self-service options—because nothing says "boss" like handling things on your own time.
  • Cost-Effective: By cutting out the call center, Pineapple keeps costs low, meaning you get more value in your pocket. Who doesn't love saving money?
  • Modern and Convenient: Embracing tech, Pineapple’s approach fits into your lifestyle, making insurance easy and accessible—because we live in the 21st century, after all.

We don’t have an insurance call centre, and here’s why.

You still have never heard of Pineapple? Something tells me you might have lived under a rock for the last 6 years.

But no stress, we love nothing more than tooting our own horn and telling you all about ourselves.

Who the Heck Is Pineapple?!

Before you ask, yes, Pineapple, like the fruit, and no, we don’t actually sell Pineapples.

What we do sell is insurance, excellent insurance at that.

Founded in 2017, Pineapple is not an insurance company but a digital financial services provider (FSP no. 48650). Our products are underwritten by Old Mutual Alternative Risk Transfer Insure Limited, a licensed Non-Life Insurer and authorised FSP. Together, we ensure that all valid claims are always paid out. 

The Pineapple-fresh approach to insurance

Pineapple restructures insurance products to limit the profit an insurer makes; this helps to maximise the value you can get as a Pineapple member. 

It’s simple; this enables us to return leftover premiums to our members!

Using AI (artificial intelligence) technology, our app allows you to purchase insurance at lower rates than established industry giants.

Best of all? 

You don’t have to spend hours going back and forth with a consultant. The app lets you snap a picture, get a quote and insure your chosen item.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, did we mention that you can claim on the app too?

Not everyone’s an avid app user, and we get that.

Thankfully, we’ve ensured that we remain 2 steps ahead; you’ll be happy to know the same options are available on our website too.

The more traditional client can still get a quote, insure their car and other stuff, and lodge a claim without ever speaking to a consultant.

This can be done online via our website, www.pineapple.co.za.

I know what you’re probably thinking, “That’s all good and well, but what about the title of this article? Why doesn’t Pineapple have a hotline?”

I’m glad you asked.

Avoiding the Call Centre Chaos

Pros of a call centre:

  1. Call centres can handle a high volume of calls, making responding to customer queries and complaints easier and faster.
  1. A call centre can be available 24/7, meaning customers can get help anytime, increasing the company's availability to customers.
  1. A centralised call centre can be cost-effective as it can handle a large volume of calls, reducing the need for multiple customer service centres or representatives.

Cons of a call centre:

  1. Strong accents or a language barrier can lead to poor communication, misunderstandings and a lack of customer satisfaction.
  1. While call centres are efficient at handling basic customer inquiries, they’re not as effective in resolving complex issues that require more attention and expertise.
  1. Setting up a call centre can be expensive, particularly if the company needs to invest in new technology or equipment.
  1. Call centres are notorious for having high employee turnover rates, as the work can be stressful and monotonous, leading to a lack of job satisfaction.


Our approach to insurance is revolutionary in many ways, including how we interact with clients. 

We don’t have a call centre number because we direct our clients to our online help and support function on the Pineapple app, which is user-friendly and can offer a solution faster than any traditional call centre. 

But we know that self-service is not everyone’s cup of tea; nothing beats human interaction for some.

It’s a tried and tested method, offering comfort, convenience and clear communication.

That said, we have a team of helpful and friendly agents ready to give you over-the-phone assistance for all your insurance purchasing needs.

It’s as simple as requesting a callback, and the next available agent will be at your service faster than you can say, “I’m looking to buy motor vehicle insurance.”

And in the spirit of offering world-class service, sometimes we even take the liberty to call you up first.

If we *sense (*see) that you might be having a bit of difficulty purchasing a policy on the app or website, we’ll hit you up to offer some assistance or receive feedback, all in the name of improving the user experience.

This will help you continue your quote process and activate your policy in record time.

Call it intuition or whatever, but we’re good like that!

If you’re APP-y and you know it, clap your hands!

Our ‘Help and support’ function is easy to use and will get you to the solution you want faster than you can say insurance. The ‘Help and Support’ chat is available on our website or in the app, which you can access from your profile.

Why do we use this method rather than a phone call?

  • You can continue with your life, and we will get back to you when we have the solution. 

  • No holding on the line, listening to elevator music for hours.

  • If your question is phrased clearly, our AI helper will ensure that the question gets to the correct person faster.

  • We work better in teams – collaboration in call centres is nearly impossible in a call centre environment. It even results in you being passed around like a hot potato rather than treated like a cool Pineapple.

  • Artificial intelligence instantly suggests potential answers, meaning a human need never look at the question.

  • We allow you to rate the help you have been given, which means everyone is held accountable, and we can improve where we might be lacking.

We acknowledge that change can be scary, especially when one’s comfort zone has been their safe space for so long.

Some might even argue if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. 

But that’s just not realistic in our modern, ever-evolving world.

Can you imagine the world if our ancestors never thought to challenge themselves with their many innovative inventions?

We’d be using candlelight instead of electricity (although South Africans don’t have much choice these days – curse you, Eskom!).

An instant SMS would instead be a letter mailed by pigeon, and the news would be older than our cabinet ministers when it finally reached its destination.

And don’t even get me started on transportation. 

Forget about that Jaguar you’re trying to insure; the only ‘animal’ you’d be riding around on is your horse-drawn carriage - and we’re NOT talking the fancy, fairytale kind.

That’s right, the only whip you’d own is one that makes your horsey go faster.

So you see, not all changes are bad; some are actually very necessary.

While the competition is still lagging, Pineapple is in the year 2050 with how forward-thinking we are.

It might sound crazy, but call centres may very well be a thing of the past, all in the name of convenience.

The insurance space is rapidly transforming to allow policyholders more freedom and wiggle room with their policies, including how said policies are purchased.

These days, you’d be hard-pressed to find an insurance provider that doesn’t have an app.

The conclusion to end all conclusions

Before, when insurance was a face-to-face transaction, do you think our ancient ancestors ever imagined such a thing as call centres? 

It would probably sound as outlandish to them as relying on AI to get a quote, buy a policy or process a claim. 

But that’s precisely the direction the insurance world is moving in. 

And lucky for you, Pineapple caters for everyone. 

Whether you would like to buy, manage and update an existing policy, claim either in-app or online, or need the help of an agent telephonically – we've got you!

So ask yourself, “Do I want to get left behind while the rest of the world evolves?”

Get a quote today!

Pineapple (FSP 48650) is underwritten by Old Mutual Alternative Risk Transfer Insure Limited, a licensed Non-Life Insurer and authorised FSP. T&Cs apply. Premium is risk profile dependent.

Team Pineapple

Team Pineapple comprises our company’s top talents, who are dedicated to creating clear, high-quality content on essential vehicle insurance topics. This diverse group, including actuaries, accountants, data scientists, and insurance professionals across South Africa, collaborates to produce enlightening and empowering articles.

Each piece is thoroughly researched, factually accurate, and rigorously reviewed to ensure quality.

*We say they’re the finest because we want them to keep writing for us!

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