Do Women Pay Less for Car Insurance: Insights for South African Drivers

Table of Content

1. Is Car Insurance Cheaper for Female Drivers?2. Driving: A Vital Skill for South African Women2.1. Road Safety Tips for Women Drivers3. Debunking Common Myths About Women’s Car Insurance4. Conclusion


September 12, 2024
Team Pineapple

TL;DR - Our version of "I'm not reading all that, *SparkNotes pls."

  • Lower Risk Profile: Women generally have fewer accidents and make fewer claims, leading insurers to offer lower premiums.
  • Safe Driving Habits: Statistics show that women are less likely to engage in risky driving behaviours, which translates to lower insurance costs.
  • Fewer Traffic Violations: Women typically receive fewer traffic fines and violations, which helps maintain lower insurance rates.
  • Insurance Benefits: Women may also qualify for additional discounts and benefits tailored to safe drivers.

As Women’s Month comes to an end, what better way to celebrate than by helping women save money on something essential—car insurance

Is Car Insurance Cheaper for Female Drivers?

Women insurance

First off, it’s crucial to understand that car insurance premiums are all about your risk profile, and yes, gender plays a part in that (sorry, gents). 

Women are generally considered lower risk compared to men because, let’s face it, they leave the racing to Lewis Hamilton. 

Women make more careful choices, take fewer risks behind the wheel (except when it comes to those pesky curbs – no judgment, we’ve all been there), and as a result, are 20% less likely to get into a car accident

The math is simple: fewer accidents + less damage + your risk profile = cheaper vehicle insurance premiums. We love some girl math!

But being female doesn’t automatically guarantee you the cheapest premiums

Insurance providers also consider other factors like the type and model of your car, your credit history, age, driving history, and where your car spends the night. 

Driving: A Vital Skill for South African Women

Female gender symbol car insurance for women

Do you remember the thrill of getting your first bicycle? 

The freedom to explore whenever and wherever you want is unbeatable. As we grow older, that sense of independence shifts gears (literally) — and owning a vehicle becomes a key part. 

Yet, while some may cruise through life taking their driver’s license for granted, only 21.8% of South African women have one. 

Whether it’s for economic reasons, or you’ve fully embraced the passenger princess lifestyle, staying safe on your journey from point A to B is essential for all women, no matter how you choose to get there.

Road Safety Tips for Women Drivers

Speaking of safety, let’s talk about how to stay safe on the road, ladies (and gents, if you’re still reading).

  1. Know How to Change a Tyre: Even though Pineapple offers roadside assistance, it’s empowering to know how to change a tyre yourself – remember, the first step is making sure you have a spare tyre. Nothing screams “strong independent woman” quite like being able to swap out a flat on your own.
  2. Say Yes to Oil and Water: When the petrol attendant asks, “Oil and water?” Consider saying yes! Regular maintenance checks on your car’s fluid levels and tyre pressure can save you from bigger headaches down the road.
  3. Service, service, service! Just like that much-needed annual girls' trip to shake off the year's stress, your car deserves some TLC too. Make sure it gets a service at least once a year or every 10,000 km—because even your car needs a hot girl glow-up!
  4. Understand Warning Lights: Don’t ignore those pesky warning lights on your dashboard. If you see one and don’t know what it means, don’t pretend it’s not there. What you don’t know could hurt you—or your car.
  5. Stay Alert: Prevent hijackings by staying aware of your surroundings. We know it’s tempting to put on a show for your imaginary audience while jamming out in the car, but safety comes first! Lock your doors, roll up your windows, and keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Oh, and don’t forget—hide those valuables like they’re the last piece of chocolate in the house!
  6. Always have Jumper Cables: Should your engine suddenly stop or your battery decides to die, having Jumper Cables is a sure way to get out of a jam. 
  7. Sometimes the fastest route isn’t always the safest: Check Waze or Google Maps before driving an unknown route. Here are some notorious hijacking hotspots in Gauteng, the Western Cape and Natal so you always know which areas to avoid.
  8. Never drive under the influence: Not only is it illegal, you are putting yourself and all those around you in danger. With easy access to ride-hailing services, there really is no excuse.

Women insurance

Debunking Common Myths About Women’s Car Insurance

Myth 1: Women Are More Accident-Prone.

The data begs to differ! Contrary to the old stereotype, women get into fewer accidents than men. 

It’s not about luck; it’s about safer driving habits. Women tend to drive more carefully, making them less likely to be involved in road mishaps. 

So, sorry gents, but those wild driving abilities you think women lack? Turns out, they’re just avoiding the drama!

Myth 2: Women Are Just as Likely to Drive Under the Influence.

Here’s another myth to bust—women are far less likely to drive under the influence. 

Female drivers are champions of responsibility, keeping our roads safer and reducing alcohol-related accidents. 

Myth 3: Women Are Reckless Drivers.

Think again! We’re not saying women are perfect drivers (remember those curbs?), however, female drivers are more likely to stick to speed limits, buckle up, and avoid those risky road manoeuvres. 

And when the weather turns nasty or the road gets tricky, women’s cautious approach shines through. 

Myth 4: Women File More Insurance Claims.

Not true! Thanks to their safer driving habits, women tend to file fewer insurance claims, which leads to—you guessed it—*lower insurance premiums. So, it’s not just about being cautious; it’s about saving money too.

Women insurance


Remember, good driving isn’t about gender; it’s about experience, education, and a responsible attitude. Celebrating women’s driving skills doesn’t mean men are bad drivers. It simply highlights that anyone can be a great driver, regardless of gender!

Get a quote now—it only takes 90 seconds.

Treat yourself to some Pineapple goodness this Women’s Month!

Team Pineapple

Team Pineapple comprises our company’s top talents, who are dedicated to creating clear, high-quality content on essential vehicle insurance topics. This diverse group, including actuaries, accountants, data scientists, and insurance professionals across South Africa, collaborates to produce enlightening and empowering articles.

Each piece is thoroughly researched, factually accurate, and rigorously reviewed to ensure quality.

*We say they’re the finest because we want them to keep writing for us!

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